Labor Distribution provides the details behind the payroll posting to the Finance System. Each report provides different formats to meet different business needs. Labor Distribution should be reviewed after each payroll and used to reconcile salary and fringe expenses charged to KFS accounts.
Where are the Labor Distribution Reports Located?
Labor Distribution Reports are located in the EBS portal.
What Labor Distribution Report Formats are Available?
What Security Access is Needed to Run Labor Distribution Reports?
Access to the end user roles is granted based on the Enterprise Roles. The following Enterprise Roles will have access to the Labor Distribution Reports within the Business Intelligence System. These roles include:
Labor Distribution data is available the morning after payroll has been completed. This is typically 4 days BEFORE the check date. This gives departments time before the actual pay date to validate the pay for that pay period. Any errors that cause an overpayment should be reported to the Payroll Office immediately.
Off-cycle payroll data is typically available the day after the off-cycle payroll has been processed, the day before the off-cycle check date.
Further questions can be directed to the payroll office at or 517-355-5010.