Payroll Forms Authorization
Approvals for paper forms submitted to Payroll are validated using authorizations within the HR Payroll Approver table.
This table was designed to authorize employee pay and change of status actions related to specific types of employees. As a result, all forms require approval by a HR Payroll Approver.
Based upon employee type, any single authorized person within any level is acceptable to validate the payment. A more restrictive authorization policy should be managed within an organizational unit.
HR Payroll Approver authorizations are utilized on the following forms:
- Additional Payment Form
- Special Payment Authorization Form for Support Staff
- Time Record for Hourly Employees Paid by Non-Primary Department
- Off-Cycle Disbursement Request Form
Payroll forms are available via the Payroll web site at Payroll Forms.
Any organizations needing to update information in the HR Payroll Approver table should utilize the IT Services Access Request Memorandum titled "EBSUnitHRPayrollApprover" available at TDx here.